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Articles by Jon Boast

Teletest Telesend HD LCD receiver Review

by Jon Boast Issue 90 - June 2014 It was towards the middle of last year that I reviewed my Teradek Bolt HD wireless system for TV Bay magazine. I commented then, that monitors are about the one thing that cameramen use day in day out, wireless ones particularly. Even these days you change your camera from day to day, one day you may be out shootin...

Submitted by Jon Boast
Published 01 July 2014

The Teradek Bolt reviewed

The location is a small busy working kitchen of a top London restaurant; the chef and kitchen staff have enough on their plate (!) without having to worry about avoiding cables and bumping into members of the crew filming them go about their business. The soundman is able to keep himself out of the way, not causing trip hazards with cables and the...

Submitted by Jon Boast
Published 01 July 2013