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Filtered Tag: dpp (6 results)

CLASS - Software Workflows

NAB is approaching. Apart from deciding on whether to come for a bike ride with myself and the KitPlus Team, you should also be thinking about what information you want to get from the vendors and the thought leaders that will stay relevant long enough be deployed. At the DPP Tech Leader's Briefing in London in November2019, there seemed to be a co...

Submitted by Bruce Devlin - new
Published 27 January 2020

Class: Do we still need standards

On the 1st January 2018, I officially took on the post of SMPTE Standards Vice President. The role has responsibility for all of SMPTE’s standardisation activities and it fills me with equal measures of excitement and terror. A big thank you to Alan Lambshead who, after 4 years as Standards Vice President is handing over the post to me. I think it...

Submitted by Bruce Devlin - new
Published 12 February 2018

There is no where to hide from cybercrime

The media sector is an attractive target for cyber attacks of all kinds from malicious individuals who enjoy disrupting high profile shows, to organised criminals who are attracted by the value of content, to nation states aware that media is a way of conveying or distorting messages. Such attention is hardly surprising, given the pervasiveness of...

Submitted by Mark Harrison
Published 02 November 2017

Consumer of the shelf technology is coming

I had the privilege last week of sitting in a strategy session of the Digital Production Partnership where we were concerned with predicting the future. As Niels Bohr once famously said, "Predictions are really hard - especially when predicting the future". One of the attendees made a comment about camera technology and I instantly thought about th...

Submitted by Bruce Devlin
Published 15 March 2017

Keeping up standards

by Dick Hobbs Issue 95 - November 2014 A couple of days ago, both the esteemed editor of this magazine and I were guests at an awards ceremony, in the romantic environs of the Wembley Hilton. The evening was a tribute to the democratising effect of the dinner suit. Receiving a lifetime achievement award richly deserved was Dr David Wood, who has de...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs.
Published 01 December 2014

The new DPP standard

by Craig Newbury Issue 85 - January 2014 Why and how is the DPP standard significant for broadcasters and other media facilities across the U.K, and beyond? The Digital Production Partnership (DPP) was founded in January 2011 by the BBC, ITV, and Channel 4, with representation from Sky, Channel 5, S4/C, UKTV, and BT Sport, to help speed the transit...

Submitted by Craig Newbury
Published 01 February 2014