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Filtered Tag: iabm (9 results)

State of the Nation and Virtual Social Distancing

Under normal circumstances, I usually make my plans for NAB in November time. It’s when the airlines tend to have sales. This year, for personal reasons, I did not get around to booking back then, and it was only at the end of February that I could start thinking about it. Well, the airline sales had long gone, and I was faced with the prospect of...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs - new
Published 26 March 2020

Taking a Stand at IBC - The Future of Exhibiting Clouds

If you’re reading KitPlus you probably don’t need us to tell you that, each year, the IBC Show attracts 1,700 exhibitors, each parting with a significant sum of money for the privilege of touting their wares from the darkened halls for five whole days. For the last eight years Blue Lucy has been one of these exhibitors and the show has always more...

Submitted by Julian Wright
Published 14 November 2019

State Of The Nation: Securing The Future

This magazine is a notable champion for education in our industry, and deserves much praise for its efforts. To my mind, there is all too little concern for our future. I have previously taken up your time in these pages on the subject of creating the next generation of talent, but I am largely unrepentant that I am going to do it again. Pretty muc...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs - new
Published 03 November 2019

Why the IABM matters

The broadcast and media industry is going through a once-in-a-generation transformation right now. Broadcasters and media companies are facing unprecedented challenges – with enormous opportunities opening up for the winners. To grasp those opportunities though, broadcasters and media companies need a new generation of agile, cost-effective technol...

Submitted by Peter White
Published 19 October 2017

State of the Nation - part 1

i Imagine you are the director of the Champions League Final, knowing that 200 million people will be watching your every decision. Or you\'re directing the Eurovision Song Contest. Or even, to be honest, the Tunbridge Wells local news opt out. And at live minus 30 seconds, all the screens in the monitor wall suddenly go black then show a demand, i...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs - new
Published 07 September 2017

Dick puts it all together

Many of you will be reading this as you prepare for IBC. Some may even be reading it on the train/plane/ship to Amsterdam. I want to take a couple of minutes of your time to look at a last minute addition to IBC. It concerns IP, but trust me: this is good news so please do not stop reading just yet. For very, very many years we have connected video...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs.
Published 26 September 2016

4k - The biggest New Years resolution

by John Ive Issue 96 - December 2014 Whether it is Ultra High Definition (UHD), 4K or 8K - the predictions surrounding when and if this higher resolution format will become a widespread reality are still rife in the broadcast and media industry. The consensus in the sector seems to be that we may be edging marginally closer. However, many of the ba...

Submitted by John Ive
Published 01 January 2015

Ask the Experts with IABM

by Peter White Issue 87 - March 2014 1. In terms of technology - how is the broadcast industry set to change in 2014?2013 was a particularly challenging year for many vendors in the broadcast and media technology sector. According to the IABM Industry Index, while there was some modest growth last year, many businesses experienced an ongoing declin...

Submitted by Peter White
Published 01 April 2014

Thanks for the memory

If I need to impress on someone just how old I really am, I explain that my first computer had 32kB of Ram. Then we go through the “you mean 32 meg” “no, I mean 32 k” routine. It does seem implausible that, while I managed to write letters on my BBC Model B, today I need half a million times the memory to bash out columns for TV Bay. This is, of co...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 July 2011