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Your search for kvm-over-ip has produced 3 results.Clear filter

KVM Trends for Broadcast Pros

G&D North America Inc., one of the world’s leading KVM manufacturers, presents their latest KVM trends 2020 for broadcast professionals. KVM systems play an essential role in broadcasting by forming the link between IT and broadcast structures and thereby offering operation across systems and independently from any platform. One of G&D’s highlights...

Submitted by Jochen Bauer
Published 26 March 2020

Original KVM or KVM over IP

Intelligent KVM systems for broadcast facilities – advantages, fields of application and challenges for the futureWill the technology used in broadcasting solely consist of IP devices? For years, IP has been entering all areas of life. Especially control room applications as they are typically deployed in broadcasting benefit from the IP revolution...

Submitted by Jochen Bauer
Published 10 September 2019

KVM enterprise and video matrix switchers in broadcast ap...

KVM enterprise and video matrix switchers in broadcast applicationsEngineers within the professional broadcast world are comfortably familiar with video routers for the control of uncompressed video and audio signals within live studio and editing locations. However there is less familiarity with the use of KVM enterprise and video matrix switchers...

Submitted by Kieron Seth#
Published 01 August 2011