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Articles by Brian Larter

IP or not IP, that is the question

There can be a one size fits all approach to prompting, but with the many forms of production in todays broadcasting world - from a major sporting event, to the biggest Saturday night entertainment show, to a 24-hour news operation or prompting on location - it is unlikely that a single system will suit every circumstance. The equipment needs to be...

Submitted by Brian Larter
Published 02 November 2017

Innovative prompting

by Brian Larter Issue 92 - August 2014 What prompting trends are you foreshadowing for the broadcast industry?Customers are requiring the need to be more versatile in the way they use prompting solutions in their respective production workflows. Providing hardware and software that will work in all aspects, whether it is in a studio or on location,...

Submitted by Brian Larter
Published 01 September 2014