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Articles by Michael Shore

Tapeless Workflows, MAM and Archive: Back to Basics

by Mike Shore Issue 103 - July 2015 The broadcast industrys appetite for file-based workflows existed long before the technology required to implement them was available. With the emergence of cheap capture hardware, the continually decreasing cost of storage and the ever-increasing capabilities of inexpensive computing power, the transition from t...

Submitted by Michael Shore
Published 01 August 2015

The right MAM solution

by Michael Shore Issue 91 - July 2014 The best way to determine what features you need in a media asset management system (MAM) is to start at the end. So, when trying to decide what goes IN to your asset management system, you need to first establish what it is that you are trying to get OUT. Several factors need to be considered, including: the p...

Submitted by Michael Shore
Published 01 August 2014