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Top gadgets for 2017

Wow - 2016 - we certainly didn\'t see you coming. Thankfully, one thing we can reliably see coming in the midst of our increasingly unpredictable futures, are the beautiful range of shiny inventions, gadgets and technological wonderment of the year 2017 - so put today\'s headlines to one side and enjoy this rare opportunity to take a look at a reli...

Submitted by Beth Zarkosh
Published 13 January 2017

Remote control and monitoring

by Alan WheableIssue 83 - November 2013 Remote Control and MonitoringYou might wonder what remote control has to do with test and measurement. And you might be pleasantly surprised when you find out. For a number of years now, manufacturers of broadcast equipment have used remote controlled test installations to allow them to test systems and modul...

Submitted by Alan Wheable
Published 01 December 2013

Polecam on Safari

Safaricam"No, you can’t get out of the car", the voice replied. "Why not?’ I asked. "Because you might get eaten by a lion."I put the phone down and contemplated what it was I had just agreed to do. The Kenya project started with a call from a French production company expressing an interest in hiring my Polecam system for three weeks. The series,...

Submitted by Dennis Lennie
Published 01 August 2009