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Articles by Joe Watson


by Joe WatsonIssue 91 - July 2014So what can I say about the last two years being at Uni? Ive made good friends, people who I hope to see again in the years to come. The experience has been incredible. I admit there have been ups and downs to it like deadlines creeping closer and closer but you work together as a team with the people you meet to me...

Submitted by Joe Watson
Published 01 August 2014


by Joe Watson Issue 90 - June 2014 Once again I am writing to inform all of you what Uni life is like¦ right now one word does come clearly to mind, "hectic". Myself and my fellow students are approaching deadline day for the final year of the course. We\'ve gone through many projects together and we\'ve all had some form of work experience which i...

Submitted by Joe Watson
Published 01 July 2014


by Joe Watson Issue 87 - March 2014 So while my colleagues on the course have been writing about what they\'ve been doing at college, I\'m going to write about what I\'ve been doing out of college which is mainly work experience. Since I started the course back in 2012 I have had quite a few breaks acquiring work experience in the media industry. I...

Submitted by Joe Watson
Published 01 April 2014