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Articles by John Payne

Leveraging licensed broadcast spectrum assets

There are several different approaches to transmitting live and file-based content from the field to the studio. Traditional microwave Electronic News Gathering (ENG) provides high bandwidth, high-quality transmission with low latency. Using the secure, dedicated BAS spectrum keeps control in a broadcasters hands. The past few years have seen a shi...

Submitted by John Payne
Published 02 November 2017

Must haves for wireless camera transmission

1. How has OB technology and workflow evolved over the years?In the days of analog, camera operators were basically tethered to the camera via cable. Additionally, when doing a remote transmission the production required line-of-sight to the receive site or to a satellite. It took a small army and lots of hardware to make an on-location shoot happe...

Submitted by John Payne
Published 01 April 2016